Nicki Minaj Holds Down Meek Mill (Again) During Surprise 6-Minute Freestyle

She introduces herself as "the female Jay," too.

Nicki Minaj wasn’t about to let Meek Mill be the only one doing the talking for her this weekend.

Just one day following Mill’s curious post hinting that his lady is pregnant, Minaj stepped forward to take her rightful place in the booth to drop some serious lyrical heat during a surprise 6-minute freestyle.

While hinting on Twitter earlier today (September 4) that she was thinking about sharing a little something, fans (as fueled by Mill’s Instagram) were anticipating some sort of commentary or confirmation regarding the pregnancy rumor.

Instead of addressing all that nonsense, Minaj decided to remind everyone that despite a little hiatus in the rap game, she’s still reigning as queen, and still riding for her man touching on how she testified for him in court.

Throughout the six-minutes of Minaj smoking everyone with her undeniable bars and fiery talents as an emcee, she introduces herself as “the female Jay,” shows love to Lil Wayne for signing her and even weaves in a nod to Harambe the gorilla. It’s pure fire.

The song marks the first Minaj has dropped since the release of her 2014 album, The Pinkprint, and fans are hopeful this new freestyle could be a little warmup for what the rapper has been cooking up this year.

Take a listen to “The Pinkprint Freestyle” below and be sure to do what Nicki says and “make sure you listen all the way to the end.”


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